A message from our president.
Happy New Year! In this time of national pandemic and local crisis, community spirit and care for others is needed now more than ever. We are fortunate to have a very strong, active, and concerned neighborhood as part of our Stratfield Historic District Association (SHDA).
Due to the recent uptick in COVID cases, we will hold our monthly meetings virtually, via ZOOM, for the first quarter of 2022. This way, will be able to see and hear each other safely and check in during this time, while continuing our monthly meeting, held on the second Monday of every month.
Please know that our organization is here for you and we are growing in membership numbers with 288 homes in our historic district! This year, will continue our monthly neighborhood cleanups, while maintaining social distancing, when picking up our streets. We also plan on keeping our booth presence at the Stratfield Saturday Market in Clinton Park from June through October. The SHDA will keep you up to date on neighborhood alerts through our neighborhood watch program, as well as other initiatives such as the sidewalk program and the Historic Tax Credits that are available to property owners in the district.
Please, if you are aware of anyone in our neighborhood who is alone, check in on them. Let us know if you need our assistance too. We can be reached via email at: shda@stratfielddistrict.org. You can also follow us on these social media platforms:
Wishing that you and yours stay well and safe this year, and remember that together, we are Bridgeport strong! Here’s to a vibrant and active 2022!
Very truly yours,
Margaret A. Judge, President
Stratfield Historic District Association